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Returns Policy


  • If you are buying a personalised or players named and numbers shirt, please note you will not be permitted to request a return for this item please take care to use the correct spelling and select the correct size. We reserve the right to refuse to print shirts that we deem or could be interpreted as offensive or abusive and/or may infringe our Intellectual Property Rights of companies and/or individuals.
  • All goods to be refunded must be received back with proof of purchase in a new and unused condition with all original packaging and labels. If your order was placed via the Spurs Online Shop, use the return label attached to the invoice.
  • If your are returning 1 or more item and have used a One Hotspur Voucher, your refund may be given as a new One Hotspur Voucher code if the value exceeds £9.99. If the value is less than £10.00, the refund will be sent to the payment method used on the order.

UK Returns

  • All returns must be sent back within 30 days from the date of receipt, including purchases made instore. Please ensure all tags remain attached and you include the proof of purchase for your order so we may process your refund. Returns without proof cannot be refunded. Returns can be made using this form.

  • If you believe your item to be damaged or faulty, please refer to our Damaged/Faulty Items guide in the first instance.

  • Should you wish to return an order paid for online via PayPal in-store we cannot refund or Exchange PayPal orders in-store and you should follow the returns process detailed above.
  • If you would like to return an item you have purchased online for a refund because you have changed your mind, you may do so provided the item is returned to us within 30 days of delivery (if ordered online) or purchase (for items bought in-store) with all tags attached.

To start your free return please follow the simple steps below. This service is for UK orders only

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Click here to start your return. Enter your Return details & post it back. We'll refund you 3-5 working days from the date we receive the return.

International Returns

  • If you are outside the UK and need to return your item, print your Returns label by clicking here. You will need to pay for postage from your country.
  • All returns must be made within 30 days of receipt of goods.
  • Please include your returns label inside your parcel. 
  • We are unable to offer exchanges for overseas customers. If you would like to exchange an item, then you must repurchase and return the original for a refund.  All refunds will be returned back to the original method of payment.
  • The Club’s returns address is as follows: Tottenham Hotspur Mail Order, Merchandise Division, Unit 3, Enfield Distribution Park, East Duck Lees Lane, Ponders End, Enfield, EN3 7SR